I really just want to share the story of one of our investigators and his experience.
4 weeks ago Sister Pond and I fasted and set a baptismal date. We didnt know who it was gonna be but we took a leap of faith and after fasting and praying often we felt good that there would be a baptism on May 21. then we got off our knees and got to work.
The first Sunday after transfers (3 weeks ago with Sister Richards) a less active wife and her nonmember husband out of no where came to church. We had a lovely talk with them and set up a day when we could meet with them.
When we met with them in their home we learned that he has met with missionaries in the past and wanted to be baptized, but his addiction to smoking was something that he could not give up. I suppose over time missionaries lost contact with them (or perhaps they moved don't know). About 6 months ago this couple was woken up by their soon to be 8 year old daughter told them that they needed to stop smoking. They quit cold turkey, then showed up to church. told us that he wants to be baptized. Well to cut to the chase he has a baptismal date for May 21 but that is not the astounding part it is what has happened since then.
This man has trouble with reading, so we downloaded the gospel library app onto his phone and encouraged him to listen to the Book of Mormon daily. Well for work he does a lot of driving and so he listens to it as he drives! His driving partner however hates it. his partner also smokes while they are together and our investigator has had the strength and courage to resist and just listen to the Book of Mormon. Actually he has encountered A LOT of temptation and challenges and has held strong to what he knows and to what he wants- an eternal family.
In my studies today I read "Success in righteousness is the power to avoid deception and resist temptation, [have] guidance in our daily lives and healing of the soul." when I read this I immediately thought of our strong investigator. He IS living a righteous life and worthy life for baptism and Holy Ghost. The adversary is throwing so many temptations and challenges to him but because of what he knows to be true and constantly studying the truth is able to turn away, to bite his tongue, to offer to help to those that hurt him. This man and his wife and daughter has inspired me.
due to time i have to go!
love you all
(family will have a letter sent to you soon!)
Sister Pollard
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